Hizmetlerimizden en iyi şekilde faydalanabilmeniz için çerezler kullanıyoruz. Çerez politikamıza buradan ulaşabilirsiniz. KVKK detayları için web sayfamızı ziyaret edebilirsiniz.
We continue to increase the visibility activities of our Presidency.
In accordance with Article 9 of Law No. 5018, university and unit strategic plans and activity reports prepared in accordance with the principles of transparency and accountability, the following issues have been stated in the University Strategic Plan, which are among our strengths: ''Active use of university e-mail, websites and social media tools'' and in the needs section, ''Effective use of institutional social media accounts should be ensured.'' On the other hand, in the Institutional Internal Evaluation Report Preparation Guide published by YÖKAK, within the scope of A.1.5. Informing the Public and Accountability, A.2.2. Strategic Goals and Targets, and also in line with the indicator ''Number of interactions of unit web page and unit social media accounts'' in our Unit Strategic Plan, considering our international stakeholders, the visibility of our posts in English and Turkish content websites and social media applications, the number of interactions (x likes, number of website visits, number of likes on Instagram accounts, etc.) performance has been increased and our targets in the indicators have been achieved.
Our Presidency provided training on Movable Property Regulation to candidate civil servants working at our University.
Our Stakeholders Were Given Training on Sensitive Tasks in Public Administration
Internal Control Monitoring and Steering Board Meeting was held.
We continue to increase the visibility activities of our Presidency.
Unit Consultation Meeting was Held.
We continue our continuous improvement efforts in the internal control system.
Our Department Head held meetings in the Strategy Budget Presidency.
BARÜ Corporate Rısk Management Workshop Was Held
A Certificate of Appreciation was Given to the Staff of our Presidency within the Scope of the Award Directive.
BARÜ 2025 Current Budget Preparation Work Meeting was Held.