Duties of Strategy Development DepartmentTo determine the medium and long-term strategies and policies of the administration within the framework of national development strategies and policies, annual program and government program, and to carry out the necessary studies to establish its objectives.
To coordinate the preparation of the strategic plan and performance program of the administration and to carry out the studies for consolidating the results,
To prepare the administrative budget, including the budget estimates for the following two years, in accordance with the strategic plan and annual performance program, to monitor and evaluate the compliance of administrative activities with them,
To prepare the expenditure and financing program within the framework of the budget principles and principles to be determined in accordance with the legislation, to ensure that the appropriation is sent to the relevant units, taking into account the service requirements,
Keeping budget records, collecting and evaluating data on the results of the budget implementation, and preparing the final budget account and financial statistics,
To collect, analyze and interpret information and data related to the management of the administration and the development of services and performance.
Developing performance and quality criteria in matters falling within the scope of the administration and fulfilling other duties to be assigned within this scope.
To accrue administrative revenues, to follow up and collect revenues and receivables within the framework of the relevant legislation,
To carry out accounting services,
To prepare the activity report of the administration based on the unit activity reports prepared by the spending units,
To prepare summary statements regarding movable and immovable properties owned or used by the administration,
Coordinating the preparation of the investment program of the administration, monitoring the implementation results and preparing the annual investment evaluation report,
Examining the external factors that will affect the services, conducting in-house capacity research, analyzing the effectiveness and satisfaction level of the services, and conducting general research on matters falling within the administration's field of duty.
To carry out and finalize the financial works and transactions of the administration that must be followed up with other administrations,
Carrying out preliminary financial control activities,
To carry out studies on the establishment of the internal control system, the implementation and development of its standards,
To perform services related to management information systems.
Providing necessary information and consultancy to the top manager and spending authorities on the implementation of other legislation related to financial laws,
To perform other duties assigned by the Rector.