
BARÜ Corporate Rısk Management Workshop Was Held

The Public Internal Control Guide issued by the Ministry of Treasury and Finance emphasizes the need for institutions to identify events or situations that may affect their strategic goals and objectives from a holistic perspective, assess their impacts and probabilities, prioritize them based on their significance, determine decisions regarding risks, and monitor and report on those risks. In this context, the new 'Public Institutional Risk Guide' issued by the Ministry in 2024 was taken into account during the BARÜ Institutional Risk Workshop, which was held with the participation of representatives from academic and administrative units. The workshop, conducted under the coordination of the Strategy Development Department with highly efficient and effective participation, was held in three sessions. In the first session, risks identified by our university units were prioritized using brainstorming techniques through group work, alongside the strategic plan risks. In the second session, the impact and probability levels of the risks were determined. In the final session, suggestions for mitigating the risks were gathered. The results of these activities will be reported and included in the risk strategy document. We would like to thank our academic and administrative human resources for their valuable contributions to the workshop.

  • Our Presidency provided training on Movable Property Regulation to candidate civil servants working at our University.

  • Our Stakeholders Were Given Training on Sensitive Tasks in Public Administration

  • Internal Control Monitoring and Steering Board Meeting was held.

  • We continue to increase the visibility activities of our Presidency.

  • Unit Consultation Meeting was Held.

  • We continue our continuous improvement efforts in the internal control system.

  • Our Department Head held meetings in the Strategy Budget Presidency.

  • BARÜ Corporate Rısk Management Workshop Was Held

  • A Certificate of Appreciation was Given to the Staff of our Presidency within the Scope of the Award Directive.

  • BARÜ 2025 Current Budget Preparation Work Meeting was Held.